„SAVVY® Synergy Enterprise – Das am besten durchdachte Telematik-Portalsystem am Markt“
It’s the “Oscar” of the telematics sector. And competition in 2016 was especially fierce for the respected award. This year, 276 submissions competed for the prize, awarded for automotive telematics every two years. Of the total submitted solutions – according to the organizer all very impressive in terms of performance – 42 were nominated for the 10 award categories.
SAVVY® Telematic Systems AG, with its management and logistics process analysis portal solution, SAVVY® Synergy Enterprise, was among the nominees. The software solution combines management, collaboration and business intelligence functions to control complex logistics company-wide. The jury of top-notch experts presented SAVVY with the Telematic Award at the end of September. “SAVVY® Synergy Enterprise is a comprehensive and especially user-friendly telematics system. It is also the most sophisticated system on the market”, says Jury Chair, Prof. Birgit Wilkes.
Independent evaluation process
Within the scope of the evaluation, specialised journalists, users and branch analysts belonging to the jury focus mainly on the respective company, its rationale and background, sales power, reputation, and particularly on important service and support issues. The scientists on the jury are in charge of evaluating the submitted solutions from a technological perspective. Under the supervision of the jury chair, Prof. Birgit Wilkes from the Technical University of Wildau, all of the submissions are controlled, assessed, and evaluated. As a result, the Telematic Awards is not only a distinction for a specific solution but also for the company itself. The winner is chosen on the basis of how well the system’s technology meets user requirements, and on the ability of the telematics provider to provide high quality pre-sales information and advice to the customer as well as comprehensive post-sales support. Sponsors are excluded from the call for proposals, according to TelmatikMarkt.de.
Recognised for in-depth understanding of processes and great advantages thanks to system integration
“We are very proud to have come out as the winner in such a demanding environment. Container logistics is an important target segment for us”, SAVVY CEO Paul Kaeser comments on receiving the distinction. “The award confirms both that telematics-based digitalisation is recognised as relevant for logistics companies and that the added value of our SAVVY® Synergy collaboration platform in the logistics sector is undisputed.”

Isolated solution or cross-system efficiency?
There have been repeated complaints – most recently in the telematics study conducted in 2015 by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Ravensburg, Germany – that there are no interface standards for telematics applications. But why wait for an international standard when there has been an accepted technological alternative for some time now?
The key to success lies in using portal systems like SAVVY® Synergy Enterprise which process data from a broad range of telematics providers, turn them into valuable KPIs and display them on user-friendly dashboards in a meaningful way. The portals integrate telematics devices and sensors from different manufacturers to create high-performance systems. The efficiency gains and quickly achieved ROI are a result of intelligent data evaluation combined with information from business IT. Combining this with a state-of-the-art logistics portal to integrate the systems means that the broad range of telematics providers and the possible heterogeneity of interfaces do not compromise this process. On the contrary, the SAVVY® Synergy Portal makes it possible to use this diversity to optimise fleet and equipment management as well increase resource efficiency regardless of future developments and differentiations in telematics systems (also known as GPS).
“SAVVY® Synergy Enterprise Portal’s business intelligence has been proven to ensure high cross-system efficiency in a broad range of telematics and IT infrastructures. In this scenario, portal systems are by no means makeshift solutions designed to compensate the lack of interface standards. Their openness make it possible worldwide to integrate the existing components to create overall solutions.
Their flexibility ensures that telematics infrastructures remain future-proof. So, no matter how logistics and smart devices develop in the era of Industry 4.0, our SAVVY® Synergy Portal will always be at the fore of these developments as an open collaboration platform.”

Find more information on the award-winning SAVVY® Synergy Enterprise Portal here
Presse-Kontakt der SAVVY® Telematic Systems AG
Aida Kaeser
Co-Founder & CEO